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gonna learn Japanese

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:23 am
by phatrat1982
Ok so I am not completely giving up on learning Irish I still have every desire to someday be able to at least get some basic conversations down which I am getting closer to, but German was getting not frustrating because it was hard but annoying because it was well annoying. Well we all talked it over and we came to a couple of conclusions. First yes Irish is basically a dieing language so and while we had every intention of doing our part of passing it on to our kids we chose instead to teach them the basics and let them decide if they want to pursue it further when they are older.

We also realized that nobody was having any fun learning German and we kind of had well reserves about taking German anyways. Well I was talking to my nephew who had been dead set against Irish from the beginning and had enthusiasm for German at first he started getting bored with it well mostly because we all did.

Then my mom made an observation that got us to rethinking our whole reasons for taking on German in the first place. I really wanted to learn Irish and my sister was all for that but her kids were split 50 50 on learning Irish or German. My other sister her husband is German so she was all leaning towards German but said Irish would mean more to her except it was really hard. Anyways not wanting to confuse the kids and trying to keep things simple we re-evaluated why we were learning any language in the first place.

It started out as a trying to pass on some of our ancestry to our kids. The main reason we initially set out to learn Since we are mostly Irish/German decent we were kind of going back and forth on which of the two to learn and teach. I had taken some German in school and was prepared to take more in college now that I finally made it. But it has turned into a big old mess because I wanted to take Irish but as luck would have it there are not that many schools in the US that offer the course that would give me credits my school could transfer. So this meant having to take German for school anyways cuz they offer than here on campus.

Blah blah blah anyways my nephew who does karate asked why don't we do Japanese. At first I was like oh because we are not Japanese kid, but my mom pointed out hey we are not English either but here we are speaking English. Now since we all grew up in America we always took it for granted Americans speak English. But there is nothing wrong with learning another language or culture. Well my sister, the boys mom, got excited and said yeah why don't we do Japanese cuz it would be fun, we can all agree on it and well I already have tons of movies and video games in Japanese plus as it turns out my school does offer the course so we decided we are going to learn Japanese and so far everyone is excited so it should be fun. I want it to be fun cuz Irish was a chore and German was a bore.

So anyone here who speaks Japanese got any advice for a beginner?

By the way this is the reason I have been away for this last day because we were doing some investigating and soul searching.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:34 am
by Trev
If I was going to learn another language, Japanese would be a frontrunner. Main reason? Import games! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:53 pm
by Calavera
Does no good to answer this now since he left lol

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:27 pm
by phatrat1982
sorry yeah I didn't go anywhere I thought I was posting this to the cdi forum, I signed up for both at the same time but the other forum all I did was get into an argument with some programmer dude and decided it was not worth it. I been away this weekend because last week was finals and you know how finals can be.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:53 pm
by Trev
phatrat1982 wrote:sorry yeah I didn't go anywhere I thought I was posting this to the cdi forum, I signed up for both at the same time but the other forum all I did was get into an argument with some programmer dude and decided it was not worth it.
Hmmm ... thats too bad.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:23 pm
by phatrat1982
I was going to suggest just merging the two forums into one since they are already hosted on the same site it seams but I don't know what the arrangement is like between the two so I don't know if that even is possible.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:35 pm
by Trev
phatrat1982 wrote:I was going to suggest just merging the two forums into one since they are already hosted on the same site it seams but I don't know what the arrangement is like between the two so I don't know if that even is possible.

I think I remember it being briefly mentioned in the past, but I don't think it will ever happen.

The biggest problem on the CD-i scene, imho, is lack of working consoles. When the battery dies, the unit refuses to play any software, regardless of if it uses the timekeeper chip or not! This is an absolutely hideous design flaw, as gamers have to then wait for the battery to totally run dry before they caneven attempt to play any games at all (still w/no option to save mind you) It can take a very long time for this to happen, and by that time who even wants to deal w/a unit that won't save any games. :evil:

They can be fixed, but it seems to be an overly complex process that few are willing to try. Collector's & gamers come to the forum looking for help to get their CD-i's fixed, but are discouraged to simply be directed to to threads trying to explain the difficult repair process. Requests have gone out to those that have done it for more details, and I've even seen people offer to pay to have theirs repaired. I'm not aware of any that will, at least not anyone associted w/the forum.

95% of the CD-i's being sold on Ebay are dead, and the rest will die soon. Sadly (but understandably) the CD-i scene is dying with it. :(

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:38 pm
by phatrat1982
I see and here I was contemplating getting one. Let me ask you this suppose I had an old computer that could run those CD-i to PC card things and set it up say specifically for playing video games, you know maxed out RAM and stripped down the OS as much as possible what would be the best machine to do that on if I only wanted to mostly play commercial games, well cd-i and old PC games? I ask because I might have an old PC with that type of port I can get up and running if I put some effort into it.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:45 pm
by Trev
Way out of my league I'm afraid. I'm so bad w/computers, its a miracle I found my way to this forum. :lol:

Seriously (and you probably won't like it) but the CD-i forum would be your best shot to field a question of this nature. Not sure what, if any, responses you'd get, but its your best bet.

Btw, there is a portable unit w/a battery you can swap out (think Sega Saturn) Although rare, it shows up sometimes on Ebay, but fetches a healthy price.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:19 pm
by phatrat1982
thats ok I think I would rather just keep my eye on ebay then and if I get one that needs repaired I will just look into how to repair it I guess.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:19 am
by 3DO Experience
Seriously, go look at the threads explaining how to fix one. You might change your mind.

I love the shots of the timer chip cut open! CLASSIC !

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:49 am
by Trev
3DO Experience wrote: I love the shots of the timer chip cut open! CLASSIC !
You are a sick puppy. :twisted:

But seriously, have you ever tried to fix one?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:27 am
by phatrat1982
The more I learn about CD-i the more I lose interest in it.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:15 am
by Austin
phatrat1982 wrote:The more I learn about CD-i the more I lose interest in it.
There are a lot of understandable reasons for this, trust me.

As far as possibly being interested in the platform, I recommend trying the BETA emulator. The one that's free. It doesn't sound like you're the kind of person who's into really obscure hardware with very mixed libraries. The CD-i is the very definition of this, heh. Save yourself the hassle, play with emulation and isos for a bit, then move on. You will regret buying a CD-i, surely.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:53 pm
by phatrat1982
my interest in the unit was soley based on VCD play back and it was mostly out of curiosity and then I learned about those Mario and Zelda games. And yeah I figured out how to find the beta emu but I have yet to mess with it because I am kind of addicted to MKII again all of a sudden. Watching that new web series brought back a lot of memories.

And actually I am the kind of person who is into obscure stuff, I am a tech geek I get fascinated with any old video game, computer, movie, audio, just about any device that is or at one point was designed for entertainment really. I just keep hearing how impossible it it is to find working hardware but honestly my thing is if anything I am more curious about the hardware than the games because from what I can gather most of the worth while games are on other platforms.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:47 pm
by phatrat1982
anyways...getting back on topic. I decided I am going to take this seriosuly so since the school is forcing me to take a foreign language class I went a head and signed up for Japanese this upcoming semester so I will be learning it for sure shortly. I am still not giving up on Irish but learning three languages is going to be tough but I think I can do it. No I know I can do it hell Spanish was easy.