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Post by Saturn » Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:11 am

After 2 days of trying codes to get Gauntlet to save my progress, I finally came up with the combination I'd accidentally stumbled onto back in 2002.

In the Gameplay screen you have to enable the 'Run the Gauntlet' cheat, then disable it otherwise it'll only max out at Wave 6666 each time you start a new game or try to resume after playing a different mode.

Exactly what I did:
Enabled the code, held down the A button for the 10 minutes it takes to get to Wave 6666 and played to 6669 when my game ended. I powered off the Jag, turned it back on (to make sure Wave 6669 wouldn't be held in memory) and disabled the code. Held down the friggin button for ten minutes again and it went all the way to Wave 6691 where I'd actually stopped 2 days ago. I played through 25 waves that day before giving up as these were Developer Waves and almost impossible to beat (at least, in the exhausted state I was in at the time)

Also, you have to disable 'No Hurt I' or your weapons won't fire lol. I guess Scatologic didn't do thorough testing in Gauntlet with this. I do remember back then that it could take forever to finish even one wave without the near invincibility that code provides so it all fits with what I can remember, vague as it is.
Run The Gauntlet-728264779355
No Hurt I-522547736453

After I lost my progress of Wave 6972 back in '03 because I was tampering with the 'Reset Memory' function, I was sick for a week. On my way back to it now.
Hope this info helps anyone else out there who is looking to hit the Wave 7000 mark 8)

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:19 am

The Semiofficial Battlesphere FAQ:

EDIT: Sorry, the original post contained copyrighted material and although they might not mind, I don't want to infringe :0
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by a31chris » Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:44 am

Anyone get ahold of Tbird lately?
What came after the Jaguar was the PS1 which for all it's greatness, ushered in corporate development and with it the bleached, repetitive, bland titles which for the most part we're still playing today. - David Wightman

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:44 pm

I emailed him a few months ago to see if he was going to ride in the Tour de Cure in June but got no reply. The contact email on the FAQ page is
Maybe we could all pound his inbox w/ messages until he replies lol

EDIT: Sent another email this morning w/ an invite and link to here. Hopefully, he'll stop in :)

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:32 am

EDIT: posted 8/29/14:

Gauntlet Waves:
6666 Bomber Triad Combat (easy, basic tactics work like a charm)
6667 Triad Wave (medium, nothing but Bombers and Superships!)
6668 Assault Wave w/ 6 Capitol Ships :0 )
6669 Fighter Wave "Alert: Unknown Alien Race Entering the Battlesphere! Destroy at all costs!" (easy, Intruder Race Fighters going after star bases)
6670 Bomber Wave (easy, all Intruder)
6671 Supership Wave (medium, all Intruder)
6672 Assault Wave (easy, 7 Intruder Capitol Ships-crazy amount of ejected pilots)
6673 Fighter Wave (easy, music changes to *? (unknown title)* all triad teams)
6674 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6673)
6675 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6673)
6676 (easy, 7 Thundrbird Capitol Ships)
6677 Fighter Wave (easy, all squadrons entering one at a time)
6678 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6677)
6679 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6677)
6680 Assault Wave (medium, 7 or 8 Telchine Capitol Ships. Lost count in the hail of lasers raining down on my ship!)
6681 Fighter Wave (easy, some ever more vicious triads)
6682 Bomber Wave (easy, slow, lumbering O'catanuts lol)
6683 Supership Wave (medium, pilots abound)
6684 The Hive (medium, single, defenseless Capitol Ship w/ an armada of Yellow Jackets 8) )
6685 Speedkill Wave (medium, music changes to *Urine Drinker Theme* Fighters from every race)
6686 Bomber Triad Combat (easy, multi-race)
6687 Triad Wave (easy, all Bombers and Superships)
6688 Assault Wave (medium, 8 Capitol Ships-I believe it was Intruders)
6689 Developer Wave (medium, luckily they only appear one at a time)
6690 Developer Wave (medium, enemies appear 2, 3 and then squadrons-all Superships)
6691 Developer Wave (HARD AS HELL, nothing but squadrons. First 2 are manageable but the last 2 are nearly impossible!) Start by arming w/ smart missiles to attract the attention of the 1st squadron, otherwise they'll take out star bases until there's nothing left. 2 or 3 missiles per ship. Targeting can be difficult as they're in a tight formation at full throttle.
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:29 am

6692: Assault Wave (hard, 9 Capitol Ships)

Destroy 4 Capitol Ships then the other 4 will enter.
Using a maxed out Piper Cub (all but the Laser Drain & Turn Speed which are untouched). The laser weapons are more centered vs a ship like the Intruder's Rapier, which apparently has the guns mounted on the wing tips which causes a wider spray regardless of where your sight is aimed. Abandon the idea of 'protecting' star bases immediately. You're not going to outgun the impending assault by so many superships and capital ships so they're pretty much toast anyway. Plus, in this wave the enemy won't destroy one base, then have the squadron focus on you like in other waves. They keep attacking star bases until they're gone, then they focus on your ship.

Destroying all the capital ships first is absolutely necessary, especially when they're focused on star bases. They tend to not see you as a threat so their attention is completely off of you. Heading straight for them with full thrust, velocity and a buttload of laser shots should destroy them right as you would otherwise crash into them. It's risky but hasn't failed me yet. Also, if you happen not to blow one up you're ship will usually 'glance' off the side and send you on a slightly different course with no or minimal damage done to you.

Destroying the capital ships first prevents an endless number of super ships entering the sphere as well. It starts off with about 4-5 superships and once the capital ships are gone a message pops up saying to "kill remaining escorts," (still w/ the original amount of super ships.) I tried it by taking out super ships here and there and it doesn't take much to get obliterated already, so not having to deal with more than necessary is definitely a bonus.

6693 Pilot Episode (easy $, just target each & unleash smart missles :P)
6694 Male Bondage (easy $, lol it's a bunch of sperm shaped ships w/ 'tails' wagging. Can't fight worth a crap either :P)
6695 Your Own Worst Enemy (medium, 6-8 of the same ship you're using. half attack star bases & half focus on you-lotta smart missiles fired)
6696 Blast From The Past "We claim this level in the name of Mars" pops up. (medium-Bunch of flying saucers from the 1950's) Wish these or the sperm ships were playable!
6697 Perfection "Sterilize all imperfection!" pops up (easy?-Music changes drastically w/ an 'impending doom' or 'getting down to business' transition :0 *? unknown title* ) 2 ships appeared, kamikaze'ed into my bases and the wave was over lol. Never got close enough to see what they were :P
6698 Swimming With Sharks (medium-"Plumber... Candygram... Space Shark Armada..." pops up. 6-8 shark shaped fighters go after the star bases w/ one or two focused on you. After destroying the remaining bases all of them come after the player but are taken out w/ 2 laser shots.
6699 The Hive (easy $, Huge (and completely defenseless bee hive star base w/ 7 yellow jacket fighters. 2 shots each)
6700 None Shall Pass (Hard, "It's been real..." pops up. Fighters, Bombers & Super Ships from Thunderbird & Oppressor races)
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:04 am

Did this in just under 5 hours:

6701 Fighter Wave (easy as level 1.*Smg'Heed Theme* One ship enters at a time and not much in the way of (challenging) AI)
6702 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6701)
6703 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6701)
6704 Assault Wave "Destroy incoming Capitol Ships" pops up (easy, 1 unprotected Capitol Ship appears like a sitting duck and doesn't even attempt to attack or defend itself lol)
6705 Fighter Wave (easy, enemies entering 2 at a time now)
6706 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6705)
6707 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6705)
6708 Assault Wave "Destroy incoming Capitol Ships" pops up (easy, 2 unprotected Capitol Ships destroyed easily)
6709 Fighter Wave (easy, slightly more aggressive attacks & AI)
6710 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6709)
6711 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6709)
6712 Pilot Episode (easy, as long as you have smart missiles and don't have to try and aim lol)
6713 Fighter Wave (easy, music changes to *Se'Bab Theme*, fighters appear in threes (triads) and solely attack player)
6714 Bomber Wave (easy, triads attack player until last squad which go for star bases)
6715 Supership Wave (easy, triads attack player throughout)
6716 Assault Wave (easy, 2 Capitol Ships and up to 18 Fighters, one at a time, unless you take out both Capital Ships first)
6717 Fighter Wave (medium, Fighters appear in squadrons. New squads won't appear until all 4 current ships are destroyed. Attack the player)
6718 Bomber Wave (medium, same as 6717)
6719 Supership Wave (medium, attack both star bases and player)
6720 Assault Wave (medium, 3 Capitol Ships that start unleashing the smart missiles)
6721 Fighter Wave (easy, triads enter up to 2 sets at a time)
6722 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6721)
6723 Supership Wave (easy, same as 6721)
6724 Male Bondage (easy, the sperm shaped ships lol. All 8 enemy ships enter at the same time)
6725 Fighter Wave (medium, music changes to *Telchine Theme* and AI is focused strictly on star bases unless you hit a Fighter w/ a stray shot. Then, they'll attack the player exclusively)
6726 Bomber Wave (medium, most of the focus on attacking the player. A couple go after star bases)
6727 Supership Wave (medium, half attack star bases and the other half go for the player)
6728 Assault Wave (medium, 3 Capitol Ships & lotsa smart missiles)
6729 Fighter Wave (easy, four sets of 2 ship teams enter one team at a time)
6730 Bomber Wave (medium, same as 6729)
6731 Supership Wave (medium, same as 6729)
6732 Assault Wave (3 Capitol Ships and the (now) usual array of smart missiles)
6733 Fighter Wave (medium, attack in triads) I was destroyed during the 2nd entrance of enemies and lost a record setting 280 kills :x After starting over and finishing the wave w/ all star bases intact, it gave me a 'bonus' of 1,817,880 points :0
6734 Bomber Wave (medium, more triads)
6735 Supership Wave (medium, appear in squadrons)
6736 Your Own Worst Enemy "Time To Die" pops up :0 (medium, 8 replicas of the ship you're using appear at the same time) I beat this wave in about 2 minutes and my bonus was 180 points :P That's fair
6737 Fighter Wave (medium, music changes to *Slith Theme* enemies appear in squadrons. 3 sets, first 2 sets attack the player, last set attack star bases exclusively unless you interfere or random laser diverts their attention)
6738 Bomber Wave (medium, enemies appear in squadrons) Had the 2nd set materialize right next to me and they were all firing straight outta the womb! It was full reverse w/ a 90° upward facing angle to send my ship on the only course these jokers can't calculate. Ahh, nice to have the moves down like they're second nature :P
6739 Supership Wave (medium, enemies appear in squadrons) After getting killed and restarting, my flawless victory yielded a bonus of 4,043,371 points :0
6740 Assault Wave (medium, Capitol Ships, smart missiles and very aggressive attack squadrons)
6741 Fighter Wave (medium, up to 3 sets of 2 ship teams entering at once. Getting vicious!)
6742 Bomber Wave (medium, same as 6741)
6743 Supership Wave (medium, same as 6741)
6744 Assault Wave (medium, 4 Capitol Ships w/ all the trimmings)
6745 Speedkill Wave (easy, up to 6 Fighters, 2 separate entrances)
6746 Bomber Triad Combat (medium, an array of different races w/ the Telchines doing the most damage this round)
6747 Triad Wave (medium, all Bombers attacking in full force)
6748 Blast From The Past (medium, same 1950's ships from Wave 6696 and every bit as difficult. All 5 enemies enter at once)
6749 Fighter Wave (medium, music changes to *? (unknown title)* and they're seriously not afraid to unload some fire power)
6750 Bomber Wave (medium, attacks are focused on the player w/ more and more pilot ejections happening, further complicating the task)
6751 Supership Wave (medium, attacks and fire power at a high level-and I don't mean mine :0 )
6752 Assault Wave-Right after starting, the game crashed with a messed up screen, reset the console and all progress lost :0 Time to start over.. again lol.
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:53 am

After restarting w/ memory erased for whatever reason that happened, I enabled these codes:

Intrude++-874633746537-URINEDRINKER (enables Intruder Race ships as selectable by player)
Develop++-536627378257-LEONARDSUCKS (enables Developer Race ships as selectable by player)
Killem All-343665262343-DIENOLANBDIE (all weapons @ max-not infinite)
Custom Delivery-925479687463-YAKISYOURGOD (modify ship settings)
Run The Gauntlet-728264779355-SATANISSWELL (Select Wave from 1-6,666)

Altered settings on a Developer Piper Cub
Started Gauntlet at Wave 6666. Played to Wave 6671.
Used * + # to get back to the Gameplay menu where I disabled 'Run the Gauntlet'
Powered off the Jaguar
Powered on the Jaguar
Went to Wave 6670 (it always re-starts you at the previous level)
Played continuously to Wave 6684-game crashed and I killed the power before it reset on its own.
Was only able to get to Wave 6676-Played to Wave 6680, crashed into my own star base and powered off the Jag.
Restarted and continued to Wave 6693 (so I wouldn't have to replay 6691 :0 )

I think it's the Custom Delivery code (still) causing problems as in original Battlesphere, just not to the same extent. Not worth testing the theory by playing w/ it disabled since this mode is so insanely difficult already.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by a31chris » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:48 am

Its probably the same bug since my understanding is is that BS Gold is the same core engine as the original Battlesphere. What improvements were made were not core-rewrites from what I remember hearing.
What came after the Jaguar was the PS1 which for all it's greatness, ushered in corporate development and with it the bleached, repetitive, bland titles which for the most part we're still playing today. - David Wightman

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:36 pm

a31chris wrote:Its probably the same bug since my understanding is is that BS Gold is the same core engine as the original Battlesphere. What improvements were made were not core-rewrites from what I remember hearing.
I hear ya. Was basing it on a remark from page 8 of the 'Battlesphere Codes.doc' that I'm unable to attach here. It's in this post.

"Note: This code has been fixed and tested in BattleSphere Gold™, so if you have it, this is as far as you need to read. Simply exit the Ship Adjuster, and your ship is ready to go. If you have the regular version of BattleSphere™ please read on."

I don't think it's completely fixed though :x My only workaround for the possibility of it happening at some random moment is to sit next to the console and be ready to power off at the drop of a hat-before it resets on its own, which causes the data loss. This has only happened twice so with the info I have so far, it's worked somewhat. Reverted my progress back a few waves but better than starting over. (I have a controller extension plugged in and was playing on a big screen from half way across the room before :P )

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:12 pm

6753 Fighter Wave (easy, 3 triads all focused on the player. Perfect for reverse at 1/3 thrust, picking them off w/ ease)
6754 Bomber Wave (easy, same as 6753)
6755 Supership Wave (medium, same as 6753)
6756 Assault Wave (easy, 5 Capitol Ships and O'Catanut Superships)
6757 Fighter Wave (easy, squadrons mostly going for star bases. Easy to catch up to from the side and decimate at will 8) )
6758 Bomber Wave (easy, multi race Bomber Squadrons. The O'Catanuts try to lure you in closer w/ their overlapping formation but die like the rest anyway lol)
6759 Supership Wave (easy, squadrons enter one at a time w/ focus on star bases. Simple flanking gets most of the job done)
6760 Perfection (easy! one enemy entered, was destroyed and that was all she wrote)
6761 Fighter Wave (easy, music changes to *Thunderbird Theme*. Triads and teams w/ about 80% pilot ejections. Man, they're hard to pick off)
6762 Bomber Wave (easy, Triads and Squadrons w/ mixed focus)
6763 Supership Wave (medium, same as 6762)
6764 Swimming With Sharks (easy, 8 Sharks enter at once. They pack a hell of a rapid fire wallop if allowed to get too close! Jeeeeeze :shock: )
6765 Speedkill Wave (easy, 4 sets of 2 enter. When there's only one enemy left a new set appear)

That's a brief description of all 101 Waves. Since they are repetitive, no point continuing from here. Just going to play the levels and chronicle the progress daily. Plus, the constant pausing, counting ships, etc. is about to drive me nuts lol.

For the record, it starts easy at Wave ??01 and is near impossible at the end of a 'revolution' w/ Wave ??00.
Also, the 3 HARDEST Waves on here are ??90, ??91 & ??00. Took me numerous tries and quite a few accumulated hours to get past these three.... one time :twisted:
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:53 pm

Saturn wrote:
a31chris wrote:Its probably the same bug since my understanding is is that BS Gold is the same core engine as the original Battlesphere. What improvements were made were not core-rewrites from what I remember hearing.
I hear ya. Was basing it on a remark from page 8 of the 'Battlesphere Codes.doc' that I'm unable to attach here. It's in this post.

"Note: This code has been fixed and tested in BattleSphere Gold™, so if you have it, this is as far as you need to read. Simply exit the Ship Adjuster, and your ship is ready to go. If you have the regular version of BattleSphere™ please read on."

I don't think it's completely fixed though :x My only workaround for the possibility of it happening at some random moment is to sit next to the console and be ready to power off at the drop of a hat-before it resets on its own, which causes the data loss. This has only happened twice so with the info I have so far, it's worked somewhat. Reverted my progress back a few waves but better than starting over. (I have a controller extension plugged in and was playing on a big screen from half way across the room before :P )
Quick update;
I've noticed, thinking back, that this 'crash' mostly happens to me on Assault Waves and only when that annoying alarm is going off to warn of incoming homing/smart missiles. There have been other waves/times that it's happened but nothing compared to the number of times on Assault Waves. It just happened again on 6678 while the alarm was sounding in the most rapid succession (as I wasn't fleeing the missiles since my ship is so strong)
Possible remedy would be to flee, full throttle in the opposite direction when they're unleashed until the alarm stops completely or maybe adjusting the in-game sound effects? Not sure if it's the audible noise that's doing it or the just the fact that a missile attack is happening in the code. I'll play w/ these two ideas and see if I can work around the problem.
If all else fails, when entering an Assault Wave the player could crash his ship into one of his star bases, ending the game. Whether that would become the new 'latest save place', I don't know. Maybe do this and power off the Jaguar completely to make it the last save place. Although, that's a LOT of 10 minute intervals to get back to that Wave. I wish they would've put a shortcut lol. Skip 1,000 waves at a time and be back in seconds :P

Wow, just went back up as far as I could get and it's starting me back at Wave 6752. That's where I'd left off last time I played and re-started from this round. Crap that's a lot of lost progress!
Oh well, better than all the way back to 6666 again :mrgreen:

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by a31chris » Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:57 am

At least you have Battlesphere to play.

Most of us can only make a heavy sigh.
What came after the Jaguar was the PS1 which for all it's greatness, ushered in corporate development and with it the bleached, repetitive, bland titles which for the most part we're still playing today. - David Wightman

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:05 am

a31chris wrote:At least you have Battlesphere to play.

Most of us can only make a heavy sigh.
That blows, I thought you had it.
Sure wish there were more of them made or someone was able to re-release it.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:51 am

6753 - 6801 today 8)

Just found out that "No Hurt I" doesn't work on Waves 1-24 but does from Wave 25 on.
I have it enabled now on Wave 6,801.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Walter_j64bit » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:29 am

WOW! Ive been playing games on my nes clone time put that way and check out Saturn's BSG Wave. 8)

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Walter_j64bit » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:40 am

Saturn wrote:I emailed him a few months ago to see if he was going to ride in the Tour de Cure in June but got no reply. The contact email on the FAQ page is
Maybe we could all pound his inbox w/ messages until he replies lol

EDIT: Sent another email this morning w/ an invite and link to here. Hopefully, he'll stop in :)
Good luck whit getting a hold of thunderbird, that might an old email. You'll might have a better luck with getting a hold of Gorf.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:45 pm

Walter_j64bit wrote:
Saturn wrote:I emailed him a few months ago to see if he was going to ride in the Tour de Cure in June but got no reply. The contact email on the FAQ page is
Maybe we could all pound his inbox w/ messages until he replies lol

EDIT: Sent another email this morning w/ an invite and link to here. Hopefully, he'll stop in :)
Good luck whit getting a hold of thunderbird, that might an old email. You'll might have a better luck with getting a hold of Gorf.
I can't get anyone to respond. I've tried Jay, Steve, Doug and a few others. What happened to everyone?

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:29 pm

Check out that high score :p
9,458,648 :mrgreen:
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:28 am

I just timed it and it takes 12min 57 sec to reach Wave 6666.
About 13:30 to reach 6883 where I'm at right now. Can't get past Wave 6884 The Hive.
I've tried a few times already but the game keeps crashing. I destroy the Capitol Ship and after the first or second Fighter I take out, the screen displays that the Wave is complete, yet there are still 3+ Fighters to kill. If I don't power off immediately the screen freezes. As seconds go by more data is erased. I wasn't quick enough the first time it happened and it kicked me back to Wave 6879. Only five, so no big deal. The 2nd time I was all over it but waiting almost 15 minutes to get back to see if a different technique works is getting old.

And later...
Okay, on the last attempt I left the Capitol Ship alone and attacked Fighters. More entered until they were everywhere :shock:
All of my star bases were destroyed but I was able to kill all Yellow Jackets and the Wave ended properly. This may be a crucial tactic from here on. 8)

And still later..
Playing 6899 The Hive, game crashed 3x before I was able to come up w/ a workaround. Kept sending me back to Wave 6895 every time (since I powered off immediately) and I'd work my way back up. The 3rd time when 6899 started, I crashed myself into a star base. Started the wave over, beat it and it crashed. This time on the 13 1/2 minute wait to get back, to my surprise it started me at Wave 6898 Swimming With Sharks. In The Hive, I noticed that when the wave usually ended I had no bases left. This time I had 2 but noticed the spread of the enemies had drawn me extremely far from the original starting point. Using the star bases as a beacon, I matched the speed of the last yellow jacket and followed closely behind it all the way back to my bases. At the last second I let him have it and the wave ended properly. Just wondering if being so far away from the original location (and having no way of knowing it due to lack of bases) is/was causing part of the crash problem. More info that may be instrumental in furthering progress but I don't seem to recall any of this happening back in '03.

Today's total 6801 - 6932 8)

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by a31chris » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:01 am

Wow I didn't know Battlesphere was so full of bugs. Didn't they playtest it?
What came after the Jaguar was the PS1 which for all it's greatness, ushered in corporate development and with it the bleached, repetitive, bland titles which for the most part we're still playing today. - David Wightman

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Walter_j64bit » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:52 pm

a31chris wrote:Wow I didn't know Battlesphere was so full of bugs. Didn't they playtest it?
Thay have a patch for Battlesphere, but the bug was fixed in Battlesphere gold. I think the patch is the Battlesphere web page.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:00 pm

a31chris wrote:Wow I didn't know Battlesphere was so full of bugs. Didn't they playtest it?
There's quite a few people listed as testers. Going to grab a screen shot of it but don't want to mess w/ any codes this late in the game and take a chance resetting something. The person tasked with the duty of testing Waves 6666 to 7000 probably got about 10 waves in and gave up lol. He was like, "Naw we're good! No bugs here" :p )

I think it's just in these extremely high levels. The programmers were probably thinking the time constraints on debugging this when no one would probably ever dare to access them was too delay costly and wanted to get this badboy out. I'm glad they did. I can deal w/ this as long as I keep finding ways around it and can progress. I die intentionally every few waves now and that seems to make the difference. It might also be some kind of memory overload. If I blaze through 40 levels straight, the game starts acting weird. (seen some CRAZY things lately) But if I die systematically, no problems at all. Then, about every 20 waves I completely power off the Jag and go back. Not minding the break anymore.

I'm currently at Wave 6974 8)
That's 2 waves beyond what I achieved in 2003 :D
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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:01 pm

Walter_j64bit wrote:
a31chris wrote:Wow I didn't know Battlesphere was so full of bugs. Didn't they playtest it?
Thay have a patch for Battlesphere, but the bug was fixed in Battlesphere gold. I think the patch is the Battlesphere web page.
Was that the Wave 92 patch from the original version?

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:56 pm

Saturn wrote:I just timed it and it takes 12min 57 sec to reach Wave 6666.
About 13:30 to reach 6883 where I'm at right now. Can't get past Wave 6884 The Hive.
I've tried a few times already but the game keeps crashing. I destroy the Capitol Ship and after the first or second Fighter I take out, the screen displays that the Wave is complete, yet there are still 3+ Fighters to kill. If I don't power off immediately the screen freezes. As seconds go by more data is erased. I wasn't quick enough the first time it happened and it kicked me back to Wave 6879. Only five, so no big deal. The 2nd time I was all over it but waiting almost 15 minutes to get back to see if a different technique works is getting old.

And later...
Okay, on the last attempt I left the Capitol Ship alone and attacked Fighters. More entered until they were everywhere :shock:
All of my star bases were destroyed but I was able to kill all Yellow Jackets and the Wave ended properly. This may be a crucial tactic from here on. 8)

And still later..
Playing 6899 The Hive, game crashed 3x before I was able to come up w/ a workaround. Kept sending me back to Wave 6895 every time (since I powered off immediately) and I'd work my way back up. The 3rd time when 6899 started, I crashed myself into a star base. Started the wave over, beat it and it crashed. This time on the 13 1/2 minute wait to get back, to my surprise it started me at Wave 6898 Swimming With Sharks. In The Hive, I noticed that when the wave usually ended I had no bases left. This time I had 2 but noticed the spread of the enemies had drawn me extremely far from the original starting point. Using the star bases as a beacon, I matched the speed of the last yellow jacket and followed closely behind it all the way back to my bases. At the last second I let him have it and the wave ended properly. Just wondering if being so far away from the original location (and having no way of knowing it due to lack of bases) is/was causing part of the crash problem. More info that may be instrumental in furthering progress but I don't seem to recall any of this happening back in '03.

Today's total 6801 - 6932 8)
Good grief, I played 6984 several times trying the techniques above and it crashed regardless. With or without star bases seemed to make no difference. The wave would end but right as it tried to transition into the next, it would freeze. I was hovering over the power button w/ my trusty index finger so no big loss. Always to the previous wave as a starting point. When I finally got past it I'd fought all of the yellow jackets in the wave. They finally stopped materializing, which was shocking as I'd assumed as long as their Capitol Ship was there, so would they be. When the only remaining enemy was the Capitol Ship I took it out and the wave ended properly. I have to face The Hive one more time and it's wave 6999, no less. If I can make it that far, I wonder what new tactic (if any) will allow passing it. Certainly hope it doesn't all end there. This has been a MEGA effort :shock:

If it should all go to pot, here's evidence of my current progress:
6985.jpg (70.76 KiB) Viewed 19542 times

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Walter_j64bit » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:31 am

Saturn wrote:
Walter_j64bit wrote:
a31chris wrote:Wow I didn't know Battlesphere was so full of bugs. Didn't they playtest it?
Thay have a patch for Battlesphere, but the bug was fixed in Battlesphere gold. I think the patch is the Battlesphere web page.
Was that the Wave 92 patch from the original version?
Yup, you are right Ive just found patch it's on the Jugs CD.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:36 am

Walter_j64bit wrote: Yup, you are right Ive just found patch it's on the Jugs CD.
Do you still have your 'JUGS Device?' I lost mine and am looking for a pic of it. I think I saw it a while back but want to be sure before I go on a wild goose chase.

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Re: Battlesphere

Post by Saturn » Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:40 am

Been replaying 6984 most of the day. Even with the Custom Delivery code disabled it crashes. I only got into Wave 6985 twice. Once, when I took the pic & just now using an unmodified Stiletto Fighter. I thought I should've immediately crashed my ship that 1st time and somewhat regretted opting to attempt to play. Two of my star bases were enemies and chasing me around lol. That shoulda been my first clue but I wanted to see what would happen. I killed the star bases and it crashed w/out warning suddenly. the most recent time entering 6985, I did crash my ship and upon restarting, the screen turned green and crashed so I powered off. Now, it seems I'm permanently stuck in a loop with no way to advance.

That was HARD without the jacked up ship but not impossible. Too bad that wasn't the culprit. Doesn't look like there's much hope now.
Damn you Wave 7000!

I'm officially giving up 8)
Today's progress: 6933 - 6985

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